Archive for October, 2010

C Program to Print HELLO without HELLO

October 31, 2010

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Here is i am starting a new series of programs, where we will do coding in a tricky way..

Here we are going to print HELLO without using any of the later from the HELLO, anywhere in the programing. Just think before proceeding further how we can do this..

Well here is the answer; here we are using ASCII CODE of the character to print HELLO. (more…)

Selecting Your First Programming Language

October 29, 2010


SOURCE: [Indian Cyber Army (ICA)]

This article is retrieved from [Indian Cyber Army]. This is my friend’s website, which is all about security.

The article is all about Various Programming Languages. If you are stuck wondering where to start in your programming adventure this is the article for you.

Let’s Start ….

Deciding what your needs are

Many times on forums and in chat rooms I hear the same question over and over. “What programming language should I learn?” but the answer is different for every person. However there are some common questions you can ask yourself to figure out a good starting point. (more…)

C Program for Base Conversion from Decimal to Binary

October 27, 2010

The decimal (base tennumeral system has ten possible values (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, or 9) for each place-value. In contrast, the binary (base twonumeral system has two possible values, often represented as 0 or 1, for each place-value

the base of each individual number may be specified by writing it as a subscript of the number. For example, the decimal number 156 may be written as 15610 and read as “one hundred fifty-six, base ten”. The binary conversion of 156 is 10011100 may be specified as “base two” by writing it as 100111002. (more…)

C Program to Disable and Enable Usb Port

October 26, 2010


In this post I’m going to show you how we can Disable and Enable USB Port. By blocking the usb port we can control whether user to access the machine or not.

Many schools and colleges have no pen drive rule, for that they are blocking the usb port. This trick will help us to open the blocked usb port.

This is very small and easy code, once the block usb program executed the computer will not recognize any inserted usb drive, but we can reverse it by unblocking the usb port.

This program tested on XP but not sure about vista & windows 7. You can try this program on your own computer, as I have given the unblock code also. (more…)

C Program to change the Alphabet to Upper or Lower case

October 19, 2010

To convert Alphabet to Upper or Lower case we need to change the ASCII code of the Alphabet.

ASCII code can be define as the code of a character i.e. integer value of the character.

The codes from 65 to 90 are Uppercase Alphabet, which are A to Z. where A is 65 & so on.

And the codes from 97 to 122 are Lowercase Alphabet, which are a to z. where a is 92 & so on.

Here A is 65 and a is 97, the difference between two is 32. So if I want to convert A to a. I’ll add +32 to the ASCII code, which is converting 65 to 92. Opposite we’ll do to convert a to A which is -32. And this is same for all alphabets, so now you got the logic. (more…)

C Program To print pyramid output

October 18, 2010
to print output like
2  3
4  5  6
7  8  9  1

2  3  4  5  6

void main()
int i,j,c=1;
{ printf(“\n”);



C program to Print inverse counting from given number till 1 using GOTO

October 18, 2010
Suppose if the user gave input as 6 then the output will be:


//Print inverse counting from given number till 1
void main()
int n;
printf(“Enter the no.”);
goto s;

} (more…)

Share Your View

October 4, 2010


Guys I need your view, suggestions, comments for mycfiles..

Just write me if you want any program, you want help in any topic. i would love to post your experience about programing so share them with me..

mycfiles is coming with lot of new things, so stay tuned…

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How to Understand the Program

October 3, 2010

Here i am going to talk on How to Understand, Learn and Study the Program.. I want to Thank my friends Prashant and Vatsal for great suggestions..

A time back when i started C Programing I used to store my program’s in my hard disk but when i open the code next time for study. it was little hard to understand what i did in the code, many times code get modify.

so i scratch my head to find solution for this. I thought of creating a blog and store the code there and this is what mycfiles all about. it helped me lot, soon people started asking me doubts about c so now i’m taking this blog to next level to explore c programing..

i’m not big coder it just a little bit mind and hard work.


How to install turbo C Compiler

October 2, 2010

Turbo C was an Integrated Development Environment and compiler for the C programming language from Borland. It was first introduced in 1987 and was noted for its integrated development environment, small size, extremely fast compile speed and comprehensive manuals.


In May 1990, Borland replaced Turbo C with Turbo C++.

Here we going to talk about Turbo C++ 3.0 version. it is best of all version and widely used by students.

Turbo C++ 3.0 was released in 1991. Initially released as an MS-DOS compiler, 3.0 supported C++ templates, Borland’s inline assembler, and generation of MS-DOS mode
